Here are just a few more wonderul vintage toys that you might remember.
Toucan Sam, this is probably not the Toucan that was mentioned in the story, but he's still cute!
I remember having an Easy Bake Oven myself. Couldn't really make much. I had 3 siblings and there was just never enough for all of us! I only recall using it 2-3 times.
Strawberry Shortcake is just...sweet. I didn't have her as a child, but I see that she is quite popular with children now.
Do you have a story you'd like to share? Email me at

This story made me sooo very sad.
kjbeads says:
I have to thank my Father for all the easy bake oven cakes I sat in his lap and made himeat with no chance of ditching as much as a crumb. I should have owned my own bakery with all the crap I made. BLOG
I have to thank my Father for all the easy bake oven cakes I sat in his lap and made himeat with no chance of ditching as much as a crumb. I should have owned my own bakery with all the crap I made. BLOG
movetheneedle says:
I loved stuffed animals, which I think never get old. My first toy I can remember was a stuffed toucan that squeaked when I shook it. But I gave it a "bath" in the sink and it didn't squeak as much after that, haha and I couldn't understand why at first. BLOG

breedingfancy says:
You just made me go on a little stroll down memory lane...If I could go back in time and retrieve just one toy from my childhood (the 80s), it would be my Strawberry Shortcake toy rotary telephone. It was the most adorable thing. My little sister and I, like all of our Christmas presents, had both received one. You picked up the phone, dialed one of the numbers, and a voice recording would play depending on which number you dialed. The only message I can remember clearly is a sweet voice saying, "Hello? Blueberry Muffin here."Oh, it was awesome!I kept it all the way through high school. Then, after sophomore year in college, I had to get rid of all of my stuff leftover back home. I couldn't very well bring that back to the dorm, right? So. I. TRASHED IT!! Or maybe I gave it to the Goodwill. Either way it goes, I totally regret it... And I've tried searching for a picture on the Internet-- no go! BLOG
You just made me go on a little stroll down memory lane...If I could go back in time and retrieve just one toy from my childhood (the 80s), it would be my Strawberry Shortcake toy rotary telephone. It was the most adorable thing. My little sister and I, like all of our Christmas presents, had both received one. You picked up the phone, dialed one of the numbers, and a voice recording would play depending on which number you dialed. The only message I can remember clearly is a sweet voice saying, "Hello? Blueberry Muffin here."Oh, it was awesome!I kept it all the way through high school. Then, after sophomore year in college, I had to get rid of all of my stuff leftover back home. I couldn't very well bring that back to the dorm, right? So. I. TRASHED IT!! Or maybe I gave it to the Goodwill. Either way it goes, I totally regret it... And I've tried searching for a picture on the Internet-- no go! BLOG
I had a solo in the spotlight Barbie that got from my mom. I used to love that sparkly dress!