Do you have a post, craft, art, or something on your blog about Dandelions?
Make a post before Friday and I will link to it!
Make a post before Friday and I will link to it!
~See the links below~
Now I told ya'll about the Dandelion Jelly I purchased off Etsy, remember?
And I also said I'd tell you all about it, right?
I sure did!

I have to admit, I was slightly concerned when I ordered this. I've done plenty of research on Dandelions and the delicious jelly they make.. But I was skeptical..
It doesn't seem as though a weed would make something good, agree?
But It Does!
I received my Dandelion jelly Monday (VERY fast shipping!).. I felt like a giddy child on Christmas Morning, I was literally rushing to get the packaging open so that I could see my new jellies. "JellyS?" You ask.. Yep, I ordered Dandelion, Violet, and a sample of Honey Suckle, mmmmmm....yummy!
My only regret was not getting a larger size of each of these!
The Dandelion jelly is sweet like honey, but with a slight lemon taste. It's much tastier than it sounds, trust me! It's a thin consistency, not thick and lumpy like a lot of store bought jellies. Very easy to spread, that's a plus to me :)
An unopened jar lasts a year on the shelf, once it's opened, it's good for a month! Plus, AuntAnnadee tells you how you can prolong it. (She's a sweet gal)
The other two jellies are just as good!
My entire family loves these jellies and insists that I order more! At least I know this jelly is much more healthy than store bought jellies.
I love Natural..Don't YOU?
AuntAnnadee has wonderfully affordable prices, and her plants and herbs are grown in a safe, chemical free environment. She has more in her store than just jelly and plans on adding even more as she can. I can't wait!
I hope you'll try something new today!

I grew up in a small Tennessee town. My family has been in the area for more than 4 generations. Which means that between my 4 grandparents, there were 44 siblings. I was related to almost everyone in town! I've joked that I had to leave town just to find someone I could legally marry!

When I was nine years old, my mother, a stay-at home mom, had a part-time summer job. That was when I first became interested in cooking. Mom and dad ate some pretty awful things while I was learning. Every once in a while, my dad, who never said much, would say, "Let's not have that again." But I made my first Baked Alaska that summer.

Even though mama's family was from there, they moved to Indiana when she was a girl. Mama's parents farmed 320 acres. Summers were spent on the farm. Grandma knew she had plenty of slave labor when all 19 grandchildren were there. She taught us how to can, put up preserves, make butter, and all sorts of things like that.

My very favorite thing grandma made was pear honey. Her pear honey was also a lesson in recycling. Every year she canned pears. As the family opened them and enjoyed the fruits of her labor, she saved the juice. She would re-can the juice, and then when she had enough saved, grandma would make pear honey. She never used pectin in it. Grandma would just reduce the syrup until it had the consistency of honey. That was heaven on a biscuit.

I have a cousin with a 5 year old granddaughter in preschool. Rick, my cousin, and Shalie, his granddaughter, spend their summers working in the garden and orchard, playing in the creek, riding bikes and other activities like that. There are about 20 children in Shalie's preschool. Two other children in her class live on farms. These three children are the tallest, healthiest, and strongest children in the class. They get plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh milk and eggs, fresh air and sunshine and few fast food meals.

This is the first year I've had time to plant a garden. When I first moved here, there was an above ground pool on the property. When he was 2, my son went in while I was cleaning it. I was able to get to him the second time he surfaced. That evening, I put the pool up for sale. Under that above ground pool was a 24' sandbox. He loved it, and over the years, it's built up a decent layer of topsoil. This year when I tilled it all up, I had beautiful, well drained soil. That's given me a great place to grow. As the summer progresses, I will have lots of fresh vegetables to put up. I'll be able to offer pickles, pickled okra, homemade sauerkraut, chow-chow and piccalilli, and some dried herbs in my etsy store.
Great for a "great home made gift for an exercise buff or an arthritic grandma"
*~StitchWorks has a wonderful post with dandelion art~
Dandelion jelly? Wow! I'm curious to try it now. A great feature. And I love your dandelion photos below :)
ReplyDeleteOoh, I love jelly! I'll have to check that out. Loved your story about growing up on a farm and your adventures with cooking. I have taught all three of my children how to cook, even the boys! I am very fortunate that my boyfriend also loves to cook so I always have a good meal to eat. :)
ReplyDeleteDandelion jelly? Ok, I'll believe you. A little jar would probably last about a year here. We don't eat toast as a rule, or anything else that would use jelly, so I buy maybe 2 little jars a year.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your jelly!!
I've tried red pepper jelly, but never dandelion! Sounds interesting, and from the way you described it, delicious!
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting the link. Quite a coincidence, dandelions must be the 'in thing'.
ReplyDeleteinteresting. I had no idea that you could make jelly from dandelions!
ReplyDeleteHHMMMM. Sounds very interesting. We certainly have enough here to make tons of it!! lol. Charlie won't put down weed n' feed b/c our lawn already grows way to fast. This is a great idea!!
ReplyDeleteseriously that's so interesting I would never have thought to try dandelion jelly in a million years.
ReplyDeleteOhh, have never tried dandelion jelly before.. only dandelion pop. I wonder if its easy to be a dandelion farmer... they grow everywhere! ;)
ReplyDeleteDandelion Pop? I'll have to google this!
ReplyDeleteOh yes.. its from the UK... Ben Shaw's Dandelion and Burdock pop.
ReplyDeleteYou might be able to order it online. ;)
Dandelions in salad is all I've ever heard of. Perhaps I should go harvest some from my yard instead of spraying with weed killer!
ReplyDeleteWeird, but I believe you!
ReplyDeleteWow, I didn't know that Dandelions had so many other names! My grandmother used to make a great dandelion wine and wonderful dandelion jelly. Your post brought back memories.